The Necessity of Restoring de jure Governance for AI Safety

September 11, 2024

As artificial intelligence (AI) evolves rapidly, the governance frameworks that oversee these technologies must be both robust and legally sound. The challenges posed by de facto governance—operating based on practical realities rather than legal principles—highlight the need for a de jure governance framework. Such a framework, grounded in legal authority and adherence to the rule of law, is crucial for ensuring AI's safe and ethical advancement.

The Necessity of a Legal Framework: De facto governments operate outside formal legal boundaries, leading to inefficiencies and potential abuses. Effective and secure AI governance requires a de jure framework, where legal principles guide decision-making processes and regulatory practices.

Historical Challenges with De Facto Governance: De facto governments have a history of failing to adhere to treaties and agreements. This inconsistency undermines the reliability of international commitments and jeopardizes the stability needed for effective AI governance. Treaties, integral to the supreme law of the land, require a stable, legally recognized government to ensure their enforcement.

Temporary Nature of De Facto Governance: The transient nature of de facto governance results in provisional agreements and regulations. This impermanence undermines the stability and predictability essential for a sustainable AI governance framework, potentially compromising AI safety and ethical use.

Restoring De Jure Governance through djF-NCN: Our mission, through the proprietary de jure Forensic Consensus Neural Consensus Network (djF-NCN), is to restore de jure governance. This advanced system will ensure AI governance operates within a robust legal framework, providing the stability and reliability necessary for ethical management and global consensus on AI.

Achieving Robust AI Governance and Global Consensus: Establishing de jure governance will facilitate the creation of a high-level de jure AI Global Governance treaty, integrating NCN technologies to ensure consistent and ethical management of AI worldwide.

Restoring de jure governance is crucial for effective AI management. By reinforcing legal frameworks, we can create a global consensus that upholds the highest standards of AI safety and ethical use, securing a responsible future for AI technology.

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